Histrory Of Trampoline Park Manufacturer Xiaofeixia Amusement
Publish Time: 2017-09-16
Visit: 1587
1. Yonglin Electronic Teaching Equipment Factory was founded in 1977 by Mr Wu Liangguang , and the first round trampoline for home and garden was made by him in that year.
2.In 1980, we changed our company name as Wenzhou Liangguang Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd, and created our first brand LiangguangMr Wu Liangguang did learn the technology and skill to make the first adult trampoline, like four in one , six in one trampoline.
3.In 2003, we moved to our new factory, and made our new name as Wenzhou Xiaofeixia Amusement Equipment Co.,Ltd, we also registered our brand name XIA LE
4.Due to our good reputation, we awarded Good Quality and Credit Standing Demonstrating Corporation in China
5.In 2004 , Xiaofeixia Amusement built the frist trampoline park in China, which was under the guidance of the engineer from the USA.The trampoline park was made by round frame, and was exported to Miami.
6.Xiaofeixia Amusement have built total about 70% trampoline park in Australia from 2005-2009
7.Xiaofeixia was approved by CE in 2008
8. In 2008, Xiaofeixia did created a new way to build the trampoline with the frame 40*80mm , which were exported to the Australia for a very long time.
9. In around 2010 , we did improve our quality and change the frame from 40*80mm to 50*100mm, and we also got some experience from our Australian customer and made the first multifunction trampoline park.
10. Xiaofeixia got numbers of patent for trampoline and trampoline park in 2014.
11.From 2009 to now, Xiaofeixia Amusement have built a lot of trampoline park around the world , like Europe, middle east, USA, Canada.....
12.Xiaofeixia Amusement moved to a new and bigger factory in 2014, and we extended our scale and capacity.
13.Xiaofeixia Amusement built the new design team, sales team, production team, research team in 2014
14.Xiaofeixia Amusement took participate in a lot of trade shows, like DEAL, IAAPA, ATRAX, EAS, etc from 2015 , and we have become the member of IAAPA, IAE, CAAPA, ATRAX.
15.Xiaofeixia Amusement got the certificate for both the ASTM and TUV in China, which was the top standard for trampoline park, and we were also the first one who got both the caertificates.
16.In 2016, we invited the world champion of trampoline Mr Liu Qipeng as our spokesperson , which means Xiaofeixia Amusement always produce the champion quality trampoline park.
17. To be continued .....
We are professional , because we are the first trampoline park manufactrer in China with rich experience.
We are professional, becuase we have been in manufacturing trampolie park for more than 30 years, we know how to build the best quality tranpoline park
We are professional, becuase we have professional design team, sales team, manufacturer team ......
We are professional, becuase we are approved by the top quality of the trampoline park , ASTM, TUV.....
We are professional, because we only make trampoline park ..... no fitiness equipment or outdoor playground .....