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Cover Person For Wenzhou Business News Paper ----- SVIYA CEO Ivan Wu

  • Publish Time: 2017-11-24
  • Visit: 1602
Cover Person for Wenzhou Business News Paper ----- Xiaofeixia (SVIYA) CEO  Mr Ivan Wu

Mr. Ivan Wu

Date of Birth: Sep. 1988
Company Job Title :CEO for Xiaofeixia Group (SVIYA Group)
Industry Job Title  Vice President of Wenzhou Teaching&Toys Association

Xiaofeixia Group was founded in 1977 by Mr Wu Liangguang, who is Ivan's father, under almost 40 years hard working, Xiaofeixia Group now become the leader trampoline park manufacturer and supplier in China, and have sold the products to all around the world, like Europe, USA, Australia, Russia ,Middle East, etc.

17 years old is a beautiful age for all the people, most people are still enjoy their student time, but ivan already worked for holidays in the factory since he was in high school, he did all the job like warehouse keeper, normal worker, sales , etc , this give a lot of experience to him. And he learnt a lot from his father about the spirit of Wenzhou Business Man.

As Ivan had a lot of experience of working and also he knows well about the trampoline products , so he took over the business from his father's hand when he was 19 , and he

combine theory and practice to make marketing for the trampoline park, he started to make E-business, employ 

a lot of talented person to build the new Xiaofeixia team, which is not like before, only do business with good personal releaship or reputation .

From 1977 to 2017 , Xiaofeixia made the first small trampoline in China, also made the first bungee trampoline in China, and also made the first trampoline park in China. Besides that, Xiaofeixia has built 70% trampoline park in Australia, 80% trampoline park in China , and Xiaofeixia also the first manufacturer who have been approved by both the ASTM and TUV in China.  

The trampoline park is started in the USA, and now is become one part of the daily life for the people like in the USA and Australia, as a professional trampoline park manufacturer, we are not only need to make good quality trampoline park, but also need to make culture for the trampoline park, and then the people can enjoy it and learn something or get something good from it, said by Ivan Wu.  

Now Xiaofeixia (SVIYA) become a big group,  Ivan can have more chance to do other business , but he still keep his mind and pay all the attention to the trampoline park, as he always know that the winner is always from the best of the best, and the best is always from professional.

Leader trampoline park Manufacturer with deep foundation --- Xiaofeixia Amusement (SVIYA)
Trampoline World Champion Mr Liu Qipeng will attend the opening ceremony of Skypark Trampoline Park